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Our site and social media community exist to provide a forum for smaller companies to tell their story to individual investors. This helps individual investors to investigate compelling investments.
We are a link between small public companies and the investing public. The company’s plans, profiles, and information are written with the individual investor in mind. Our goal is to explain the complex, reduce the jargon, and provide a clear and engaging story of each company’s strategy and growth potential.
Bringing you this information requires our staff to work closely with each featured company, as we are small cap stock investors ourselves.
We want what you want – an understanding of what the company does, how they make money and how they intend to grow with frequent company updates.
Small cap investing is unlike buying shares of an S&P 500 company. It is generally a longer-term commitment that generates an emotional link with the company. An understanding of the opportunity and the company plan generate the interest.
Continued updates and information provide the basis for a satisfied and supportive investor base. Here at Front Page Stocks, we understand that relationship ultimately closing the gap between investor and company.
We promise to present to you engaging, real companies with real products and services. We hope they will captivate and excite you in return.